Other settings

Click on the Settings button on the toolbar above the software and select "Other Settings";


Connection timeout:The default connection timeout is' 2 'seconds. In environments with a small number of cameras, the duration of connecting the camera can be set to 2-4S. For larger numbers of cameras, the duration of connecting the camera can be set to 4-8S (do not make manual modifications unless necessary). Before making modifications, please consult technical support engineers for guidance and minimize the operation to the tray;

Data mode:Can switch between "point mode and line mode", the software defaults to "point" mode (no special requirements, please do not change this function at will);


Calculate level:Before calibration, the "Calculate Level" parameter can be set. The default value of " Calculate Level" is 12. The larger the " Calculate Level" parameter is set, the longer the calibration calculation takes and the higher the accuracy of the calculation. The smaller the parameter is set, the opposite is true;

T-calibrate Countdown:After clicking on T calibration in the T-shape, a countdown will appear on the interface. The countdown can be set according to the user's own needs, with a default countdown of 10 seconds;

Minimum Cameras Required:The default is "3". The minimum number of cameras for 3D reconstruction can be set to 2, meaning that at least 2 cameras are needed to simultaneously view this point for creating a 3D point. Unless necessary, please do not adjust this setting. Consult a technical engineer before making changes.


3D smooth:You can choose one of the four smoothing levels "1, 2, 3, and 4" from the average number of smoothing points. At the same time, open the XYZ chart and select a point in the Market in Live mode to make the fluctuation amplitude of the coordinate curve of that point smaller than that without 3D smoothing;

Kalman smooth: when enabled, Kalman filtering is used to smooth the rigid body;

Eliminate Jitter: eliminate jitter of all rigid bodies when rigid bodies are stationary;

Rigid smooth:After creating a rigid body in Live mode, check Rigid Body Smoothing and set the displacement and rotation thresholds for Rigid Body Smoothing. After setting the threshold, the rigid body will be shaken according to the set displacement and rotation thresholds;

Edit smoothing:You can choose "3 point smoothing, 5 point smoothing, and 7 point smoothing" to smooth the Marker points in Edit mode;

Meaning: Not all scenes require the use of smooth anti shake function. In special scenes, when the shaking amplitude of points or rigid bodies in the 3D view is large or needs to be reduced to meet the requirements, the above function can be correspondingly checked (do not set it unless necessary, please consult a technical engineer before setting it). When using VR scenes, 3D smoothing and Kalman smoothing can be combined to smooth the rigid bodies in our 3D view, reducing jitter in the VR scene;

IK Compensation:In Live mode, when there is skeleton loss in the human Markerset, IK compensation calculates the position of the lost skeleton. If this function is not checked, IK calculation of the lost skeleton position will not be enabled after the skeleton is lost;

Redirect Data:This function is generally used to create a human body model and characterize it. After selecting the "Retarget" checkbox, the characterized human body data will be broadcasted and sent through the SDK;

Video overlap

Show unnamed Marker Track:After the calibration of the reference video is completed, place an unnamed marker into the field, check the "unnamed point trajectory" option, which is the unnamed point trajectory display function. At this point, move the unnamed point, and the trajectory of the unnamed point can be displayed in the reference video view. Note: When observing the trajectory, it is necessary to ensure that there is only one unnamed marker point in the field. If multiple unnamed points appear, the trajectory cannot be displayed;

Track Time:Indicates the display time of the trajectory. You can click the arrow on the right to adjust the time in seconds, with a maximum of 5 seconds and a default of 1 second. The longer the time, the longer the unnamed point's trajectory will appear in the view;

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